Rubbish has been dumped at a church car park after the owners of nearly 20 cars and vans were warned they must leave the site.

Around 13 cars and five vans parked at the closed Freemantle United Reformed Church, Shirley Road were slapped with written warnings on Monday.

Now around ten of the vehicles have vacated the car park – including one belonging to two homeless men who had been sleeping in their car.

But now it has become clear that numerous black bin bags, wine bottles, and a mattress have been dumped outside the church.

READ MORE: Cars and vans at Southampton church set to be 'towed away'

Member of community group Shirley and Freemantle Watch, Tony Weafer, told the Echo:  “Whether it’s been fly-tipped – which has been a recurring problem in Shirley for some time – or whether it’s been left there by homeless people who haven’t had access to the church, I don’t know.

Daily Echo:

“It’s certainly something the owners will have to deal with.”

Revd Dr Romilly Micklem is the Convener at United Reformed Church (Wessex) Trust Ltd, which owns the site.

He told the Echo: “We are aware that the driveways have been used for ad hoc parking, as well as having vehicles abandoned on them. 

“The enforcement measure taken gives due notice to allow owners of parked vehicles to retrieve them, before abandoned vehicles are removed and the driveways secured more permanently.”

Freemantle United Reformed Church closed its doors in 2019, with its former members now worshipping at other United Reformed Churches in the area.

He added: “There are currently no plans to reopen the church."

He said: "The premises of the former Freemantle URC will be brought to market by the URC (Wessex) Trust Ltd in accordance with the provisions of the URC Act (1972).

“The eventual proceeds will be used for the URC Wessex Synod's charitable purposes.”