A Southampton man has been commended for his bravery after he leapt into action to put out a fire started by his “distressed” neighbour.

Dean Wyeth has been awarded £200 from public funds after he used a fire extinguisher and then water to put out the blaze that had engulfed a sofa and curtains.

Southampton Crown Court heard how 67-year-old Teresa Sinnett had set the fire in her own flat using a lighter as a “cry for help”.

The pensioner, who has a number of vulnerabilities, had been struggling to cope and in a bid to end her own life, set fire initially to the curtains before this spread to a sofa.

Mr Wyeth was on his way home when he saw the flames - and sprang into action, first trying to put out the blaze with a fire extinguisher.

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When this didn’t work, he threw water over the burning sofa.

Judge Brian Forster KC said to Ms Sinnett: “It is fortunate that other people, neighbours, were able to come to your assistance.”

Describing Mr Wyeth’s actions as “heroic”, he added: “I commend him for his bravery, for his presence of mind.”

Ms Sinnett, now of Shirley Avenue, Southampton, has since moved into a care facility where she is looked after 24 hours a day.

She pleaded guilty to a single count of arson and received a six-month sentence suspended for 12 months.

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Judge Forster added: “Because of the risk to other people the case is still serious.

“When anyone sets a fire they have no control once the fire is set."

He added that Ms Sinnett's mental health had improved since this incident.

Mitigating, Lucie Taylor added that this is an “unusual case” describing it as a “cry for help by a vulnerable lady who felt unable at that moment to help herself”.

Prosecutor, Jane Terry added that Sinnett made “full and frank” admissions to police and is a person of previous good character.