A pensioner has become the first person to receive a brand-new pacemaker the size of a pen lid in Southampton.

The device, named the Aveir VR leadless pacemaker, is 10 times smaller than standard devices at 38mm and is used to correct a slow heart rhythm, known as bradycardia.

Graham Motteram, 76, a retired contract manager from Romsey, had it fitted at University Hospital Southampton.

He found out he had heart problem following a routine check-up for diabetes at his local GP surgery.

The nurse in charge picked up a high blood pressure reading, and he was immediately sent to the emergency department.

Daily Echo: Graham Motteram is the first man in Southampton to receive the treatmentGraham Motteram is the first man in Southampton to receive the treatment (Image: University Hospital Southampton)Graham said: “I arrived at the hospital and to my worry was rushed straight through with no wait.

"After various examinations, I was told that I would need a pacemaker fitted and was admitted while waiting for the procedure.

“A couple of days later I was told about a brand-new device that was now available and thought it would be the right choice for me.

"The procedure took place 10 days later without a hitch and with no pain at all.”

He returned to the ward shortly after with no adverse effects and enjoyed a meal just a few hours later.

The retired operations manager continued: “I stayed in hospital for a further two days before being discharged.

"It’s been six days since my procedure and I feel better than I have in months.”

The procedure was performed by a team led by Professor Paul Roberts, a consultant cardiologist the Southampton hospital.

The simple procedure took the team around 30 minutes to complete.

Professor Roberts said: “The Aveir ventricular leadless pacemaker represents a significant advancement in patient care with leadless pacemaker technology.

"The battery life of this device has the potential to last for more than 20 years in some patients.

 “Furthermore, it is anticipated in the near future we will be able to implant a second device in the top chamber of the heart, in selected patients, which means that a larger group of patients may benefit from this technology.”