THE Daily Echo is teaming up with local retailers to help them provide residents, particularly the elderly and vulnerable, who have now been advised to stay at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, with a free delivery service for essential items such as bread, milk and newspapers.

In these challenging times it is important for the community to pull together and we know that our friends in the local newsagents’ stores the length and breadth of the county wish to play their part too.

So, from today, we’re inviting stores that want to help to contact us to register.

The outlets listed below have already agreed to help and they would be happy to take requests from potential customers today.

We will continue to advertise these outlets free of charge and will take more as they come forward to help.

This is a unique partnership between our newspaper and the retailers involved – one which we hope the most vulnerable in our communities will value.

n Sandy News, Sandy Lane, Fair Oak

n Hampers, Wide Lane, Swaythling, Southampton

n SNA, Witts Hill, Midanbury, Southampton

n Premier, Hamilton Road, Southampton

n Christchurch News, High Street, Christchurch

n Dosanjih Convenience Store, Desborough Road, Southampton