AN appeal has been lodged after civic chiefs rejected plans to enlarge a property in a Hampshire village.

New Forest District Council refused to support proposals submitted by Lee Bundy, who sought consent to "remodel" Forest View at Pooks Green, Marchwood, and extend the roof.

A report produced by the council said the scheme would significantly extend the bungalow as well as raising its height and changing its appearance.

It added: "In contrast to the brick, render and tiled roof properties that typify this section of the road, the proposals introduce a deliberately contemporary design."

The report said the principle of the proposed development was acceptable, given the site's location within the built-up area of Marchwood, and acknowledged that the design "represented "attractive architecture with quality materials".

But it added that the new-look bungalow would be "wholly out of scale and character" with its immediate surroundings.

The property would appear undiuly prominenyt and "striokingly at odds" with neighbouring properyies.