AT THE Newcastle United versus Southampton football match on Sunday after the game my friend was having difficulty pushing my wheelchair to the car park.

There was a young man standing nearby and I said to him would you like to be in a knight in shining armour.

He asked me what I wanted and I said could you possibly push my wheelchair to the car.

He negotiated the kerbs and literally pushed me forward.

I asked him where he was from and he said guess being a Newcastle United supporter I said are you from Southampton and he said: "Yes, we have given you three points and I have given you a push."

On reaching my son's car I asked him his name and he said Martin.

Can you please publish this thank you to him.

He was so gracious and he did it so well.

Wishing Southampton well in the coming season and seasons greetings Merry Christmas to all Southampton supporters.

Again thank you Martin

Betty Brown
