We asked a environmental activist Christelle Blunden and zero waste champion Kat Goodwin for their top tips for a greener Christmas this year.

1 reduce your meat and dairy consumption

2 have a living tree, that can be reused year after year, or a 'tree' made of recycled pallets

3 buy loose ingredients, such as vegetables from a box scheme

4 use plain brown paper, tied up with string or ribbon rather than tape, old gift bags, or reusable cloth to wrap presents rather than wrapping paper, which cannot be recycled

5 avoid buying anything with polystyrene in it, which never biodegrades

6 give homemade items - get together with family or friends for a making circle, and make memories as well as gifts

7 buy second hand gifts, such as books. For new items, choose an ethical retailer

8 give vouchers for experiences or even a promise of your own time, eg for babysitting/cleaning

9 only buy the food you need

10 don't ask for gifts you don't really want so that someone can get you a gift. Ask for a charitable donation instead.

11use biodegradable glitter

12 use solar Christmas lights

13 reduce heating bills by getting together in one room to watch a Christmas movie, turning down the rest of the heating and snuggling up in winter woollies and under blankets