TO MARTIN Mouncher Totten (Echo letters, September 27). I have one simple question to ask him: what was the deal that David Cameron came back with after his meeting in Brussels? I was under the impression that he came back with nothing except humiliation.

For some reason he decided to give our nation the stark choice remain or leave by a referendum. One vote only, whichever was the result.

Yes Martin you are spot on with Cameron’s egotistical thought that the decision to stay was going to be the result. He spent approximately £9 million of taxpayers money on letters sent to nearly all households outlining the reasons to vote remain which included forecasts of doom and gloom if we left. It didn’t work! Everybody including you, Martin, knew and was informed of a very simple vote: remain or leave.

Unfortunately for cowardly Cameron the 'leave' vote won. He was off faster than a rat leaving a sinking ship.

Theresa May has since been battered from all sides including backstabbers within her own party. You, Martin, have not only stated that this country is going to hell in a handcart but the 'leave' voters didn’t have a clue what they voted for. Obviously you are one of those remoaners who can’t accept the simple fact that the referendum was democratic and on the basis of one vote only.

If in the very unlikely circumstances there would be a second referendum then I hope that all the remoaners who campaigned for this have the duty to proudly tell their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces and all siblings and family of their achievement in destroying democracy. Well done!

As for the current state of negotiations, my wish is for Theresa May to walk away and tell the EU negotiating team that she is preparing for a no-deal scenario and when they have an offer worth talking about then give her a call. If not, the the insane £39 billion divorce bill goes off the table.

Even though I didn’t particularly like Margaret Thatcher, I also wish that she was handling Brexit – now that was a woman who wouldn’t have put up with the EU bully boys.

Paddy Sketcher

Isle of Wight