So the threat of a second referendum on Brexit is still on.

I would like to ask any remoaning politician “why would you like this country run by unelected strangers, not democratically voted on but appointed by probably financial sources”.

One would not get a straight answer from many politicians. That is why the public can’t understand them. Hanging on in the European clique would seem to be the recipe for disaster.

Italy is threatened by financial breakdown and could fold up any time. The situation in Greece, partly because of their lack of collecting taxes, is now critical and won’t be supported by the Europeans. It might even be the return to the drachma.

Most of the other satellite countries were poor when they joined the club. Why would we stay with such an organisation. It reeks of a club between France and Germany, both these suffering from mass immigration. Roll on March, or whenever this government makes up its mind to forge ahead and sever the link. Can’t wait!

Alan Blandford

Arnheim Road, Southampton