RESIDENTS of a Southampton street are “livid” after waiting two years for a loading bay to be fixed.

The residents of North East Road say their road has become “dangerous” since the Chamberlayne Arms pub was converted into flats and a shop.

Although space has been made for a loading bay in front of the shop residents say it has been unusable for two years - and is full of potholes, cones and frequently cordoned off.

Now delivery lorries and customers block residents’ driveways while the bay is out of use.

The residents say lorry drivers park outside their homes while making deliveries because the loading bay is cordoned off.

The self-employed grandmother Melanie Barfoot, 55, said: “I’m at the end of my tether. We are being penalised. The layby is full of cones and is all cracked. No one can park in it. They can’t get an ambulance down the road because of the lorries.

“Lorries have to reverse into the street. They have problems getting in and out. They sit in the middle of the road then unpack all the food.

“I pay my rates and put my rubbish out - I do everything I’m supposed to do.

“One day a child is going to get run over.”

Resident Kerry Brown, 29, said she wouldn’t have bought her house on the street if she had known about the parking “nightmare.”

One Stop manager Sam Littler said: “I don’t know who’s responsible for the layby. There’s a lot of potholes in it so there’s cones there so no one trips up and hurts themselves. But it’s a fight between whose responsibility it is. I don’t know who the landlord is.”

Sholing councillor Graham Wilkinson added: “The landlord just doesn’t seem to want to do anything. I’ve suggested the residents put a petition together and hand it to the owners. The landlords have been very hard to get hold of.”

Southampton City Council, the landlords Goodwill Homes and One Stop head office were all contacted but none were available for comment.

City transport chief Cllr Jacqui Rayment was also unavailable.